This page was updated on 1-25-25. has a new look, however its original focus of visual art will remain intact for the time being. The sibling website, was created to work in tandem. Both are often in flux. Watch for detail about any upcoming changes . . .
Welcome to, an independent art and independent music endeavor. Here are descriptions of the origins, sources, pages and links . . .

Some of these described pages may not appear at all times.
Z Art Blog is written for young aspiring visual and audio artists who have plenty of innate talent but seek artistic direction, pointers for maintaining motivation, avenues for promotion, and ideas for making connections. See at . . . (
Z Artist Spotlight page is currently closed to submissions but may reopen in late 2025. View selections from several previously featured artists . . . (
See the ZATDC Promotions page for art promotions, music promotions, creative gigs and job opportunities. View current and previous postings . . . (
ZATDC News – This page includes links to press releases related to Pam Brandis albums and collaboration efforts. ZATDC News, or “Z News” will often appear in place of the Sine of the Times newsletter described here also. See all press releases . . . ( has also served as web home for the following entities:

Pam Brandis – a Reflex Records ’99 recording artist whose sound/style is described as “New Blues.” Beginning in 2000, the initial Brandis CD album and additional works were introduced into the catalogs of several Nebraska and South Dakota public libraries. During that decade and into the next, Brandis music was not legally available elsewhere. Pam Brandis/Z-Art-Tones Music Publishing (formerly Bauer House Music) is the owner/publisher of all Pam Brandis music and video which is not to be made available for airplay, streaming, distribution, publishing, sale, or download, etc. except through the legal channels explained here. Beginning October 2013, watermarked versions of select Pam Brandis album tracks have been made available for online listening exclusively at Z Art Tones Dot Com. See the Pam Brandis Discography page and the Pam Brandis Sounds page. Copies of Pam Brandis CD albums, Pam Brandis songs, Pam Brandis video or any portion thereof being made available for listening, viewing, purchase, performance, recording, publishing, licensing, broadcast, download, streaming, etc. via any entity other than or is illegal. Publishers, Music Supervisors or bands interested in the use of any Pam Brandis songs/music can contact Pam directly as noted on the Contact page here. In 2024, increased bot activity on popular social media and business media platforms make it unlikely Pam will be available there.
Reflex Records ’99 – a Pam Brandis-owned Independent record label founded in 1999 in Nashville, Tennessee with the release of the full-length, “New Blues” Pam Brandis debut album, “Multiple Exposure.” (See Nashville Scene Backboard Archives). More Reflex Records ’99 and Pam Brandis detail can be found on this page and also in the Sine of the Times newsletter.
Sine of the Times – the official newsletter of Reflex Records ’99, founded to announce the launch of Reflex Records ’99 (Nashville, Tennessee 1999), the release of the Pam Brandis debut album, “Multiple Exposure” and subsequent releases. The newsletter evolved into a source for information about universal copyright law and also became a sounding board or a call to action encouraging Nebraska area artists of all genres, including the visual arts to consider promoting their work through the United States, Midwest Public Library system.
Z-Art-Tones Records – post Reflex Records ’99, Pam Brandis-owned record label for the fourth, fifth and sixth full-length “New Blues” albums, “Horizons,” “Time Frames,” and “Segue.” – launched the summer of 2016, was originally geared toward aspiring musicians–independent bands and singer-songwriters ages 18 to 25 with unique and helpful articles on the Music and Economics and Sales 101 for Musicians pages. These pages were complemented with practical ideas for promotion on the Savvy Music Strategies page. Early on, Pam was sharing snipits of songs as well as journal entries describing her creative process as she worked on album projects four and five. Eventually, Pam recorded several episodes of the “Savvy Music Strategies Podcast” which expanded on topics she had covered in written articles and journal entries on the other pages. Some or all of these pages may reappear in late 2025.
The current focus at is on describing Pam’s return to music performance, this time as a solo instrumental guitarist. See several pages for those interested in booking Pam beginning in March 2025. Short videos of Pam performing snipits of several songs from the cover setlist will appear in late January or early February 2025. Medleys of tracks from the fourth album, Pam Brandis “Horizons” were posted on 1-24-25.
*****The email sign-up page may be reactivated at a later date in 2025.
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